Ahojte baby,
určite ste už postrehli, že sa konečne aj na Európsky trh dostáva čím ďalej tým viac cushion makeupov. Ja som tento druh makeupu videla už dávno u kórejských a singapurských blogeriek, no u nás na trhu neboli. No aj keď sa už začali u nás pomaly objavovať po žiadnom som doteraz nesiahla, pretože, tak isto ako BB krém, tak aj cushion makeup pochádza z Kórei. A v Kórei je púder a matná pleť tak povediac nemoderná. Ženy v Kórei chcú aby sa ich pleť leskla, alebo ináč povedané majú radšej žiarivejší finish. Preto je veľmi ťažké nájsť kórejský makeup, či BB krém, ktorý vytvára matný vzhľad.
You have certainly noticed that on the European market is getting more and more cushion makeups. I´ve seen this kind of makeup a long time ago with Korean and Singaporean bloggers, but they haven´t been in stores yet. But even though they have already started to appear slowly on the market, I haven´t bought any. Because cushions as well as BB creams comes from Korea. And in Korea, powder and matte finish are so uncool. Women in Korea want their skin glowy, radinat and they prefer more dewy finish. Therefore, it´s very difficult to find Korean makeup or BB cream that creates a matt look.
Ja a moja mastná pleť sme preto dlho hľadali niečo vyhovujúce. A až teraz som narazila na jeden cushion od SKIN79, ktorý je určený aj na zmiešanú pleť. Nie je to síce makeup, ale BB krém. No keďže je leto a ja mám radšej na pleti niečo ľahké, tak som si povedala že BB krém je na to ideálny a že to risknem.
So me and my oily skin have been looking for something more suitable for a long time. And now I´ve come across one cushion from SKIN79, which is also suitable for mixed skin type. But it's not a makeup but BB cream. Well, since it's summer, I've want something lighter on my skin, so I've said to myself that BB cream is ideal fot it and I´ll risk it.
So me and my oily skin have been looking for something more suitable for a long time. And now I´ve come across one cushion from SKIN79, which is also suitable for mixed skin type. But it's not a makeup but BB cream. Well, since it's summer, I've want something lighter on my skin, so I've said to myself that BB cream is ideal fot it and I´ll risk it.
Prečo je však cushion taký populárny? V dnešnom svete kedy ľudia veľmi často cestujú je tento produkt najideálnejší. Oproti klasickému fľaškovému či tubovému baleniu je ľahší a skladnejší. Obsahuje už aj hubku a zrkadlo, takže máte všetko potrebné so sebou. Cushion však nie je určený len na cestovanie. Môžme ho mať stále so sebou a počas dňa si makeup upraviť hocikde kde nás to len napadne.
But why are cushions so popular? In today's world where people travel very often, this kind of product is the most convenient. Compared to a classic bottle or tub packaging, cushion is lighter. It comes with a sponge and a mirror, so you have everything you need with you. However, the cushion is not only for traveling. We can take it with us and make touch ups anytime we need.
But why are cushions so popular? In today's world where people travel very often, this kind of product is the most convenient. Compared to a classic bottle or tub packaging, cushion is lighter. It comes with a sponge and a mirror, so you have everything you need with you. However, the cushion is not only for traveling. We can take it with us and make touch ups anytime we need.
Dokonca aj cushion produkty môžte nájsť vo viacerých formách, čo sa vnútra týka. Najviac zastúpené sú klasické cushion so špongiou. Tá je nasiaknutá makeupom a po namočení hubičky sa na ňu makeup prenesie. Trochu modernejšie a inovatívnejšie sú špongiové cushion so sieťkou. Sú rovnaké ako klasické, len nad špongiou je ešte tenučká sieťka, ktorá reguluje ako hlboko viete labutienku či hubku zatlačiť. Tým zabezpečuje rovnomerné prenesenie makeupu zo špongie na hubku. Žiaľ nevlastním ani jeden takýto produkt, takže Vám ich neviem ukázať. Ja mám doma tretí typ a to je pumpičkový cushion. A musím sa priznať, že o jeho existencii som nevedela až pokiaľ som si ho nekúpila. Vnútro je plastové s pár dierkami na povrchu. Po stlačení plastovej časti sa dostane na povrch makeup či BB-čko. Podobne ako pri pumičkových makeupoch, Vám pri jednom stlačení vyjde rovnaké množstvo, čo považujem za výhodu. Nevýhodou je však to, že sa produkt neprenesie na hubku rovnomerne ako pri špongiových cushion.
Even the cushions can be found in many forms. The most popular are the classic sponge cushions. It´s soaked with makeup and after soaking the sponge in it, makeup is transferred to it. A bit more modern and innovative is a sponge cushion with a net. They are the same as the classic one, just over the sponge is a thin net that regulates how deep you soke in the sponge. Unfortunately, I don´t own any of these products, so I can´t show you how they look. I have a third type and it´s a pump cushion. And I have to admit I didn´t know about it´s existence until I bought it. The inside is a plastic with a pair of holes on the surface. When the plastic part is pushed, the make-up or BB cream will get to the surface. It´s the same as with the pump makeups, the same amount will come out with one compression, which I consider to be an advantage. However, the disadvantage is that the product doesn´t transfer to the sponge evenly than with the sponge cushions.
Even the cushions can be found in many forms. The most popular are the classic sponge cushions. It´s soaked with makeup and after soaking the sponge in it, makeup is transferred to it. A bit more modern and innovative is a sponge cushion with a net. They are the same as the classic one, just over the sponge is a thin net that regulates how deep you soke in the sponge. Unfortunately, I don´t own any of these products, so I can´t show you how they look. I have a third type and it´s a pump cushion. And I have to admit I didn´t know about it´s existence until I bought it. The inside is a plastic with a pair of holes on the surface. When the plastic part is pushed, the make-up or BB cream will get to the surface. It´s the same as with the pump makeups, the same amount will come out with one compression, which I consider to be an advantage. However, the disadvantage is that the product doesn´t transfer to the sponge evenly than with the sponge cushions.
Pri tomto druhu balenia ma samozrejme napadla myšlienka, či tá hubka vo vnútri nezačne plesnivieť, pretože je tam v podstate zavretá. Modré hubky sú však vyrábané technologiou rubycel, ktorá zamedzuje tvorbe a množeniu baktérií a plesní. Samozrejme že je potrebné sa o hubku aj patrične starať. Umyť ju a nechať vyschnúť na dobre vetranom mieste a až potom ju vrátiť späť.
With this kind of packing, I was thinking about whether the sponge inside will start to mold, because it is always closed there. But blue sponges, are made by rubycell technology, which prevents the formation and reproduction of bacteria and fungi. Of course, it is also necessary to take care of it. Wash it and let it dry in a well-ventilated place and then return in to the cushion.
Vráťme sa sa však k samotnému BB Pumping Cushion. Produkt bol zabalený v sýto ružovej krabičke. Samotný cushion je okrúhleho tvaru. Vo vnútri je zrkadlo, labutienka a po odlepení nálepky uvidíte už spomínané dierky odkiaľ sa dostane von samotný produkt.
But let's get back to the BB Pumping Cushion. The product was packed in a deep pink box. The cushion itself has a round shape. Inside is a mirror, a sponge, and after sticking off the sticker you will see the holes I´ve already mentioned.
Balenie má 15 g a na bb-cream.cz, odkiaľ som ho kupovala som našla len 2 odtiene 21 a 23. Zobrala som si 23, ktorá mi je teraz v lete trochu svetlá, no v zime bude dúfam tak akurát. Cena jedného pumping cushion je 12 € a náhradná náplň stojí 11 €.
The packaging has 15 g and at www.bb-cream.cz where I bought it, I found only 2 shades 21 and 23. I took the 23, which is now a little bit lighter, but I hope that it will fit me in the winter.. The price of one pumping cushion is 12 € and the refill costs 11 €.
The packaging has 15 g and at www.bb-cream.cz where I bought it, I found only 2 shades 21 and 23. I took the 23, which is now a little bit lighter, but I hope that it will fit me in the winter.. The price of one pumping cushion is 12 € and the refill costs 11 €.
Po nanesení na pleť BB-čko celkom slušne kryje. Nie je to samozrejme makeup, takže krytie nie je nič extra, ale na BB-čko je to ozaj slušné. Pekne vyrovná tón pleti a zakryje a drobné nedokonalosti. Finish nie je matný, ale ani žiarivý. Vytvára na pleti taký prirodzený vzhľad a pritom je taký ľahučký, že mám pocit akoby som na tvári nič nemala. Takže ako stvorený na leto. Treba si však určite urobiť peeling, pretože dosť zvýrazní suchšie miesta na tvári, ktoré majú tendenciu sa šúpať. Preto je určený skôr pre normálu až zmiešanú pleť. Jeho výdrž je však dosť slabá a už o 5 hodín ho na nose a čele vôbec nemám. To je však pri BB-čkach bežným problémom, pretože majú robiť viac vecí naraz a tým pádom ani jednu poriadne. No vďaka tomu, že je v tejto cushion forme si ho viem na nose a čele za tých 5 hodín doplniť a opraviť za pár sekúnd.
The coverage is decent after application to the skin. It's not a makeup, so coverage is nothing extra, but it's pretty decent when we consider that it´s a BBcream. It flattens skin tone and covers all the minor imperfections. Finish is not matte, but neither dewy. It creates such a natural look on my skin and is so light that I feel as if I had nothing on my face. Perfect fit for summer. However, you should definitely do a peeling because it will highlight the dry spots on the face that tend to crack. Therefore, it is intended for normal and mixed skin. But it isn´t long wearing cos´after 5 hours it totally disapeared from my nose and forehead. However, this is a common problem with BB creams, because they have to do more things at a time, and thus non of them is done perfect. Well, thanks to the fact that this is a cushion, I can retouch my nose and forehead as often as I want.
The coverage is decent after application to the skin. It's not a makeup, so coverage is nothing extra, but it's pretty decent when we consider that it´s a BBcream. It flattens skin tone and covers all the minor imperfections. Finish is not matte, but neither dewy. It creates such a natural look on my skin and is so light that I feel as if I had nothing on my face. Perfect fit for summer. However, you should definitely do a peeling because it will highlight the dry spots on the face that tend to crack. Therefore, it is intended for normal and mixed skin. But it isn´t long wearing cos´after 5 hours it totally disapeared from my nose and forehead. However, this is a common problem with BB creams, because they have to do more things at a time, and thus non of them is done perfect. Well, thanks to the fact that this is a cushion, I can retouch my nose and forehead as often as I want.
Určite by som ho neodporúčala, ak potrebujete mať dokonalý makeup celý deň. No ak chcete niečo ľahké a nezaťažujúce pleť a pritom ľahko prenosné v kabelke tak toto je super voľba.
I certainly wouldn´t recommend it if you need to have a perfect makeup all day. But if you want something easy and non-heavy and yet something that fits in your handbag this is a great choice.
I certainly wouldn´t recommend it if you need to have a perfect makeup all day. But if you want something easy and non-heavy and yet something that fits in your handbag this is a great choice.
Pokiaľ nemáte v obľube kórejskú kozmetiku z akéhokoľvek dôvodu, to neznamená že nemôžte cushion makeup vyskúšať. Už aj mnohé Európske a Americké značky siahli po tomto trende a začali vyrábať svoje cushion makeupy. Medzi ne patria napríklad Loreal, Lancome, Dior či Estee Lauder.
If you don´t like Korean cosmetics for any reason, it doesn´t mean you can not try cushions. Many European and American brands have already followed this trend and started to produce their cushions. These include Loreal, Lancome, Dior and Estee Lauder.
If you don´t like Korean cosmetics for any reason, it doesn´t mean you can not try cushions. Many European and American brands have already followed this trend and started to produce their cushions. These include Loreal, Lancome, Dior and Estee Lauder.
Skúšali ste už tento cushion trend?
Have you already tried this cushion trend?
Have you already tried this cushion trend?
P.S.: Pokiaľ sa Vám blog páči a nechcete zmeškať nové články môžte ma sledovať cez GFC (v pravom paneli), Facebook (anbeautyblog), či Instagram (@anbeautysk). :)
P.S .: If you like my blog and you do not want to miss new posts you can follow me via GFC (in the right panel), Facebook (anbeautyblog) or Instagram (@anbeautysk). :)
Takýto makeup som chcela už dlhšie vyskúšať, no ešte som si ho nejako nestihla objednať. Tento vyzerá veľmi zaujímavo! :)
Tento typ make-upu jsem zatím nevyzkousela, ale moc me láká
ReplyDelete:) tento vypadá opravdu dobře :)
O cushion produktoch počujem prvý krát. Možno ani nie tak prvý krát o produktoch ale o tom názve pod aký výrobky spadajú :) Super článok! Tie kórejčanky ma zaujali, fakt som si ani neuvedomila, že oni ozaj na viacerých fotkách majú takú lesknúcu sa pleť, tak už chápem prečo :D
ReplyDeleteA samotný produkt vyzerá veeľmi lákavo. Celý dizajn a aj ten spôsob ako funguje, wow....
Škoda té výdrže, jinak vypadá celkem skvěle! BEAUTYPUSINKA
ReplyDeleteVypadá to dost zajímavě, tento typ make-upu jsem prozatím nezkoušela, ale možná na to dojde:)
no už som sa tešila, že konečne zmatňujúci cushion pre mňa a zase nič :( keď ma takú krátku trvácnosť a zvýrazňuje šupinky nič pre mňa.. škoda, lebo tiež mám doma 3 rozjasňujúce jak diskoguľa a to na leto človek so zmiešanou pleťou nechce :D
ReplyDeleteDrew's Beauty
Cushion makeup by so niekedy určite chcela vyskúšať :D No asi to naberanie by mi riadne vadilo